The world-renowned yet still enigmatic Banksy is a graffiti and painting artist born in Bristol who has remained anonymous to this day, known for pushing the boundaries of the art market. His works have been causing a stir for years. Since the exhibition opened in March 2021 in Munich, it has been visited by over 2.2 million people in major European cities. It is one of the world’s most visited and successful exhibitions created for a famous street artist. Now, for the first time, the exhibition “The Mystery of Banksy – A Genius Mind” is coming to Estonia! The exhibition will be open in the Telliskivi M-house from July 5, 2024.
The exhibition documents the entire creative period of the street artist up to the present day through more than 150 motifs. Displayed are graffiti, photos, sculptures, video installations, and prints on materials such as canvas, fabric, aluminum, PVC, and plexiglass. The exhibits have been reproduced and collected specifically for this exhibition. This detailed and unique exhibition provides a comprehensive overview and understanding of the entire body of work of the street artist.
The Mystery of Banksy - A Genius Mind / Time Slot ehk Kindla sisenemisajaga pilet
Mo 16/09/2024 10:00
Telliskivi M-hoone, Telliskivi 60, Tallinn
10.60 - 46.60
The Mystery of Banksy - A Genius Mind / Time Slot ehk Kindla sisenemisajaga pilet
Date / Time
Mo 16/09/2024 10:00
Telliskivi M-hoone, Telliskivi 60, Tallinn
10.60 - 46.60
Price information
The exhibition is open at Telliskivi M-building from July 5 to October 27, 2024. Open every day Mon-Sun from 10:00 - 20:00.
It is possible to buy a ticket with a specific date and time of entry in advance from Piletilevi. To do this, choose a suitable date and time from the given time period and you can enter the exhibition at that particular time. There is no time limit for visiting the exhibition after entering. Tickets are more expensive when bought on the spot.
PRICES MON-FRI Full ticket 18 € Discount ticket: students, pensioners, customers with special needs and their companions 14 € Young people 7-15 years old (incl.) 10 € Family ticket (2 adults + 2 children or 1 adult and 3 children) 45 €
The group discount applies to the purchase of 10 or more tickets at the same time, choose the price types of the group discount: - full ticket 14 € - discount ticket: students, pensioners, customers with special needs and their companions 12 € - young people 7-15 years old (incl.) 9 €
PRICES SAT-SUN Full ticket 20 € Discount ticket: students, pensioners, customers with special needs and their companions 16 € Young people 7-15 years old (incl.) 12 € Family ticket (2 adults + 2 children or 1 adult and 3 children) 49 €
The group discount applies to the purchase of 10 or more tickets at the same time, choose the price types of the group discount: - full ticket 16 € - discount ticket: students, pensioners, customers with special needs and their companions 14 € - young people 7-15 years (incl.) 11 €
Discount tickets are valid upon presentation of a document proving the discount Admission is free for children up to 6 years old (incl.)