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Vanemuine is the oldest theatre in Estonia, founded in Tartu in 1870. It was also the first professional theatre in Estonia (1906) and is the only three-genre theatre in the country, staging operas, operettas and musicals, classical ballet and modern dance and drama. The theatre employs more than 350 people, including a ballet troupe with a highly international cast, and a large symphony orchestra. The theatre often hosts guest soloists. Vanemuine is a repertory theatre – every season the programme includes more than 50 different productions in a variety of genres.

Theatre Vanemuine has 3 different buildings in Tartu – Grand Building (Vanemuise 6), beautiful art-nouveau style Small Building (Vanemuise 45a) and black-box Harbour Theatre (Soola 5b).
Teater Vanemuine SA

Teater Vanemuine SA

Vanemuise 6 Tartu 51003 Tartumaa
Reg. no: 90011065
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Buy ticket Vanemuise sümfooniaorkestri hooaja avakontsert Vanemuise sümfooniaorkestri hooaja avakontsert Vanemuise Kontserdimaja, Tartu
Buy ticket Vanemuise sümfooniaorkestri hooaja avakontsert Vanemuise sümfooniaorkestri hooaja avakontsert Pärnu Kontserdimaja, Aida 4, Pärnu
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