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Valgus maailma lõpust. J. Gribi/A.Kruusmaa ballett

La 7.12.2024 19:00
Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
17.10 - 54.60

The return of harmony lost


Ballet by Jevgeni Grib and Alisson Kruusmaa

World premiere in the Estonian National Opera on November 28, 2024


Choreographer and Stage Director: Jevgeni Grib

Composer: Alisson Kruusmaa

Music Director and Conductor: Kaspar Mänd

Conductor: Andres Kaljuste

Librettist: Eero Epner

Set Designer: Kristjan Suits

Costumes Designer: Tanel Veenre

Lighting Designer: Priidu Adlas


“Light from the End of the World” tells a story about the creation of the world, the birth of mankind, the loss of harmony, the greed, the destruction of the old world – and the possibility of a new world. When facing apocalypse, humans expose their darkest impulses as well as hidden tenderness. Superficiality is cast aside, and the crisp reality of human existence is the last thing that the old world witnesses. But, amidst destruction there dawns the possibility of the birth of a new world. The various phases of birth and destruction are being connected by the development of the heroine, who follows the rise and fall of the world, but whose path leads her away from the mainstream humankind.


“As a choreographer, Jevgeni creates impressive stagings of emotional-atmospheric landscapes, where musicality, movement, sets and ideas are seamlessly merged. Emotionally nuanced, shrewd choreography and deep sense of life’s philosophy make his works rank among the masterpieces of art”.

Marina Kesler (Tantsuliidu Kuukiri, nr 119)


“Through and through an artist on whose canvas colours become music and the graphic sketches of a body acquire a deeper sense in movement. A creator, who can turn one word into a wordless story”.

Mare Tommingas (Tantsuliidu Kuukiri, nr 119)


Alisson Kruusmaa has emerged as one of the most exciting and commissioned young Estonian composers of today. The work of Alisson Kruusmaa ranges from chamber music to large scale orchestral pieces and stage music that is often inspired by images of nature. The sound-world created by Kruusmaa has breadth, light and tenderness – the lyrical sense of emotion is balanced by a crisp, clean form and a nuanced mode of expression. During the season 2023/2024, she is in residency at the Dutch National Opera and Ballet in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 


Recommended for age  12+

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Tapahtuma Päivä / Aika Tapahtumapaikka Hinta  
Valgus maailma lõpust. J. Gribi/A.Kruusmaa ballett La 7.12.2024 19:00 Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn 17.10 - 54.60
Tapahtuma Valgus maailma lõpust. J. Gribi/A.Kruusmaa ballett
Päivä / Aika La 7.12.2024 19:00
Tapahtumapaikka Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Hinta 17.10 - 54.60
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Club One kaardi omanikele kuni 2 pileti ostmisel. Soodustust võimaldav dokument palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta. Club One Card discount, up to 2 tickets. When attending the performance, we kindly ask you to take a valid document with you.
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Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Estonia pst 4 Tallinn Põhja-Eesti Viro
Tapahtuman järjestäjä
Rahvusooper Estonia
Estonia pst. 4 Tallinn 10148 Harjumaa
Reg No: 74000033
Tapahtuma Valgus maailma lõpust. J. Gribi/A.Kruusmaa ballett
Päivä / Aika La 7.12.2024 19:00
Tapahtumapaikka Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Hinta 17.10 - 54.60
Muut päivät Samalta järjestäjältä Samassa paikassa
Osta lippu Valgus maailma lõpust. J. Gribi/A.Kruusmaa ballett. Esietendus! Valgus maailma lõpust. J. Gribi/A.Kruusmaa ballett. Esietendus! Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Osta lippu Valgus maailma lõpust. J. Gribi/A.Kruusmaa ballett Valgus maailma lõpust. J. Gribi/A.Kruusmaa ballett Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Osta lippu Valgus maailma lõpust. J. Gribi/A.Kruusmaa ballett Valgus maailma lõpust. J. Gribi/A.Kruusmaa ballett Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Osta lippu Valgus maailma lõpust. J. Gribi/A.Kruusmaa ballett Valgus maailma lõpust. J. Gribi/A.Kruusmaa ballett Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
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