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Madama Butterfly. G. Puccini ooper

Pe 13.6.2025 19:00
Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
17.10 - 75.60
Music that is more beautiful than love. A passion that is larger than life.
Libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa
International co-production with the participation of Fondazione del Teatro Grande di Brescia, Teatro Sociale di Como – As.Li.Co., Fondazione Teatro Fraschini di Pavia, Fondazione Teatro Amilcare Ponchielli di Cremona, Teatro Donizetti di Bergamo, Teatro del Giglio di Lucca, Estonian National Opera.
Premiere in Fondazione del Teatro Grande di Brescia on July 20, 2023
Premiere in the Estonian National Opera on May 24, 2024
Approx. running time 3 h (one intermission)
Music Director: Arvo Volmer
Conductor: Kaspar Mänd, Risto 'Joost
Stage Director: Rodula Gaitanou (Greece)
Assistant to the Stage Director: Pirjo Levandi
Designer: Takis (Greece)
Light Designer: Fiammetta Baldiserri (Italy)
Assistant to the Lighting Designer: Veronica Varesimonti  (Italy)
“Madama Butterfly” is an opera inspired by a true story. At the beginning of the 20th century, in the city of Nagasaki, in the background of the clash of Western and Eastern civilizations, there develops a love story of a Japanese girl Cio-Cio San and an American naval officer Pinkerton. It is a story of passion, honour, betrayal and the faithful love of a woman. She is called Cio-Cio San, meaning Madama Butterfly in Japanese for her fragile beauty. Cio-Cio San chooses to renounce her country’s traditions and her family’s religion to give her whole heart to the love of her life, Pinkerton. She is unaware that love and the marriage is merely a game for the man. Soon he deserts her and Cio-Cio San is left behind, pregnant with their child of which Pinkerton is unaware. with their child. But her love is steadfast. After three long years, Pinkerton returns to Japan with his American wife and instead of a happy reunion, he is about to take away their child.
Puccini’s music reveals the feelings of the heroes so subtly and captivatingly that “Madama Butterfly” has become one of the most beloved operas in the world. The music breathes poetry, passion, romance and the aroma of the Orient. Puccini’s masterpiece had its world premiere in La Scala (1904), but the premiere was met with cat-calls and booing, mainly due to the poor casting and conflicts between editors and the composer. The Current staging premieres in the summer of 2023 in Brescia, where the opera received its true welcome only a few months after the fiasco of the premiere.

Performed in Italian with subtitles in Estonian and English.

NB! Please note:

  • The production is not recommended for children under 12 years of age. The show may require parental guidance.
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Tapahtuma Päivä / Aika Tapahtumapaikka Hinta  
Madama Butterfly. G. Puccini ooper Pe 13.6.2025 19:00 Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn 17.10 - 75.60
Tapahtuma Madama Butterfly. G. Puccini ooper
Päivä / Aika Pe 13.6.2025 19:00
Tapahtumapaikka Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Hinta 17.10 - 75.60
Rahvusvahelise ooperipäeva puhul on 25. oktoobril kõigi käesoleval hooajal mängukavas olevate Itaalia ooperite piletid 20% soodsamad! Soodustuse saamiseks tuleb sisestada sooduskoodi lahtrisse kood „estonia“ ja valida hinnatüüp „Ooperipäev“.

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Soodustused on personaalsed. Palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta soodustust võimaldav dokument: Eesti Vabariigis välja antud kehtiv õpilas-, üliõpilaspilet, ISIC/ITIC kaart või Eesti Vabariigis välja antud pensionitunnistus või töövõime kaart. Korraga kehtib ainult üks soodustus. Soodustused ei kehti külalisetendustele ja eriprojektidele.
Soovime, et teatrikülastus kujuneks kõigile saalisviibijatele positiivseks elamuseks, seepärast juhime tähelepanu, et täiskasvanutele mõeldud lavastused ei sobi reeglina vaatamiseks alla 7-aastastele lastele. Palume vaadata lavastuse lehelt konkreetse lavastuse soovituslikku vanusepiirangut.
• suures saalis toimuvatele etendustele soodustus 50% piletihinnast.

• soodusetendused 30% piletihinnast (vt * mängukavast). Eesti Vabariigis välja antud pensionitunnistus palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta.

• soodusetendused 30% piletihinnast (vt * mängukavast). Eesti Vabariigis välja antud Töövõime Kaart palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta.

Partnerkaardi omanikele kuni 2 pileti ostmisel. Soodustust võimaldav dokument palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta. Partner Card discount, up to 2 tickets. When attending the performance, we kindly ask you to take a valid document with you.
Club One kaardi omanikele kuni 2 pileti ostmisel. Soodustust võimaldav dokument palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta. Club One Card discount, up to 2 tickets. When attending the performance, we kindly ask you to take a valid document with you.
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Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Estonia pst 4 Tallinn Põhja-Eesti Viro
Tapahtuman järjestäjä
Rahvusooper Estonia
Estonia pst. 4 Tallinn 10148 Harjumaa
Reg No: 74000033
Tapahtuma Madama Butterfly. G. Puccini ooper
Päivä / Aika Pe 13.6.2025 19:00
Tapahtumapaikka Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Hinta 17.10 - 75.60
Muut päivät Samalta järjestäjältä Samassa paikassa
Osta lippu Madama Butterfly. G. Puccini ooper Madama Butterfly. G. Puccini ooper Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Osta lippu Madama Butterfly. G. Puccini ooper Madama Butterfly. G. Puccini ooper Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
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