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Ballett 'Pähklipureja'

Th 19/12/2024 19:00
Vanemuise Kontserdimaja, Tartu
39.70 - 72.20

Ballet The Nutcracker

December 20, 19.00, Alexela Concert House

Christmas story on New Year’s Eve

Based on the fairy tale «The Nutcracker and the Mouse King»

Let's keep this beautiful tradition to celebrate Christmas with our favorite story.


For many people, the celebration of Christmas is associated primarily with the music of P. Tchaikovsky. It brings magic to the Christmas atmosphere. Everyone has their favorite piece from the «The Nutcracker» music.


We created our version of the Nutcracker. We decided to move away from the typical canons of the classical performance. In the ballet choreography you can find fragments of modern, traditional, and even street dance. We are not shy about thinking broadly and using the entire wide range of accessible choreography.


Specialists from various fields, from leading theater artists to representatives of the fashion industry, took part in the creation of the stage design and props for the performance. Furthermore, special effects, elements of video projection, and much more were used in the design of the show.


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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
Ballett 'Pähklipureja' Th 19/12/2024 19:00 Vanemuise Kontserdimaja, Tartu 39.70 - 72.20
Event Ballett 'Pähklipureja'
Date / Time Th 19/12/2024 19:00
Venue Vanemuise Kontserdimaja, Tartu
Price 39.70 - 72.20
Price information
NB! Nominaalhindadele lisanduvad agenditasud vahemikus 3,20 € kuni 5,70 €
Piletite hinnad 35 € kuni 65 € 
Vanusepiirang 5+
Sissepääs avatakse kell 18:00
Etendus kestab 2 tundi, vaheajaga
Korraldaja jätab endale õiguse muuta esinejate koosseisu.
M & Paleus OÜ
Künnapuu tn 61-2 Tallinn 12011 Harjumaa
+372 5574587
Reg. no: 10194465
Event Ballett 'Pähklipureja'
Date / Time Th 19/12/2024 19:00
Venue Vanemuise Kontserdimaja, Tartu
Price 39.70 - 72.20
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