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Kõnelevad helid - Arnold Schönberg 150

Th 07/11/2024 19:00
Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia
16.60 - 26.60

In 2024, the world celebrates Arnold Schönberg’s 150th anniversary. Schönberg is one of the main representatives of dodecaphony and one of the most important innovators of 20th century music.


Concert in the Great Hall of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre on November 7, 2024


Conductor: Kaspar Mänd

Soloist: Kristel Pärtna (soprano)

Estonian National Opera Orchestra



String sextet “Verklärte Nacht”

“Vier Lieder” Op. 2 and “Cabaret Songs”

Chamber Symphony No. 1


In 2024, the world celebrates Arnold Schönberg’s 150th anniversary. Schönberg is one of the main representatives of dodecaphony and one of the most important innovators of 20th century music.


“Verklärte Nacht” Op. 4 (“Transfigured Night”, 1899), a sexted for string instruments dates from the composer’s early creative period and precedes his atonal works. Its fascinatingly expressive music is inspired by Richard Dehmel’s eponymous psychological love poem, where the five stanzas recount the following story: a man and a woman walk in a moonlit forest; the woman confesses to her fiancé that she is expecting a child from a man she does not love; the man’s consoling forgiveness; love duet; a culminating finale depicting a transfigured night.


Kristel Pärtna will perform Schönberg’s “Four Songs” Op. 2 (“Vier Lieder”, 1899) and “Cabaret Songs” (“Brettl Lieder”, 1901). “Four Songs” are based on Richard Dehmel’s and Johannes Schlaf’s texts and is influenced by the romanticism of Johannes Brahms and Richard Wagner. Richard Dehmel was one of Schönberg’s favourite poets, whose verses also inspired “Verklärte Nacht” and whose writing most precisely captured the essence of the era. “Cabaret Songs” are a collection of eight songs that abound with humour of every shade and well depict the legendary polarities of Viennese society at the beginning of the 20th century.  


The Chamber Symphony No. 1 is a landmark at a distinctly pivotal moment in the history of classical music when composers departed from tradition and turned to atonal music. When Schönberg completed the Chamber Symphony No. 1 in 1906, he told his friends: “Now I have established my style. Now I know how I have to compose.” In this piece there are only 15 players on the stage, but the expressive range and intensity still sounds remarkably like a full orchestra. Even though the symphony is listed as one movement, the form can be considered as subdivided into as many as five continuous movements.


Born in Vienna in 1874, he spent his early career in Berlin, until the rise to power of Hitler made it necessary to leave Germany and find safety in America, where he died in 1951. With his pupils Anton Webern and Alban Berg, he represents a group of composers known as the Second Viennese School.

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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
Kõnelevad helid - Arnold Schönberg 150 Th 07/11/2024 19:00 Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia 16.60 - 26.60
Event Kõnelevad helid - Arnold Schönberg 150
Date / Time Th 07/11/2024 19:00
Venue Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia
Price 16.60 - 26.60
Price information

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Event Kõnelevad helid - Arnold Schönberg 150
Date / Time Th 07/11/2024 19:00
Venue Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia
Price 16.60 - 26.60
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