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Kabaree. John Kanderi muusikal

Fr 22/11/2024 19:00
Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
17.10 - 32.60


An unforgettable entertainment for everyone who thirsts for love and freedom.

Musical by John Kander

Based on the play by John Van Druten and stories by Christopher Isherwood

World premiere on November 20, 1966 in Broadhurst Theatre
Premiere in the Estonian National Opera on February 9, 2024

Performed in Estonian with subtitles in Estonian and English.

Approx. running time 3 h 5 min, one intermission

Lyrics by: Fred Ebb
Translation of the lyrics by: Kirke Kangro
Book by: Joe Masteroff
Translation by: Hannes Villemson

Music Director: Kaspar Mänd
Conductor: Lauri Sirp, Martin Trudnikov
Stage Director: AnnaKarin Hirdwall (Sweden)
Designer: Caroline Romare (Sweden)
Lighting Designer: Peter Stockhaus (Sweden)
Choreographer: Adrienne Åbjörn (Sweden)

Berlin 1929. The ideas about The New World are growing stronger. But at the Kit Kat Klub, everyone is still welcome. Sally Bowles is the star of the club and together with the emcee she tries to keep the dream of freedom alive. Then she meets Clifford Bradshaw, an American writer who has come to Berlin in search of himself. In a Germany where the Nazis are marching ever louder, this love story unfolds in the shadow of an approaching world war.

“Cabaret” is one of Broadway’s legendary masterpieces, a musical with a serious underlying theme, depicting the impact on the lives of ordinary people caught up in the increasing decadence of Germany in the 1930s. The musical caused a sensation when it made its 1966 Broadway debut, and the season ran for nearly 2000 performances. The wild freedom and abandon of the time establishes an environment of spiritual, artistic and sexual freedom that was soon to be destroyed by the Nazi regime.

AnnaKarin Hirdwall: “Have you ever let your wants and dreams pass you by out of fear of the consequences of pursuing them? In this piece I want to tell you about how people get affected by fear and how we become who we are. Do we live our lives imprisoned or free in truth? Can we enable personal and societal change in the future or do we hold back and cling to the old world in fear of renewal? I want to welcome the audience into a world populated by characters who believe, wish, love, dare, dream and hope – despite forces that want to limit, control, straighten and intimidate into fear and silence”.


NB! Please note:

  • The production is not recommended for children under 14 years of age. The show may require parental guidance.
  • The cigarettes used in the show are not tobacco products and are safe for health. 
  • In the “Cabaret” production, visibility from 2nd balcony is limited.
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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
Kabaree. John Kanderi muusikal Fr 22/11/2024 19:00 Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn 17.10 - 32.60
Event Kabaree. John Kanderi muusikal
Date / Time Fr 22/11/2024 19:00
Venue Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Price 17.10 - 32.60
Price information
Soodustused on personaalsed. Palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta soodustust võimaldav dokument: Eesti Vabariigis välja antud kehtiv õpilas-, üliõpilaspilet, ISIC/ITIC kaart või Eesti Vabariigis välja antud pensionitunnistus või töövõime kaart. Korraga kehtib ainult üks soodustus. Soodustused ei kehti külalisetendustele ja eriprojektidele.
Soovime, et teatrikülastus kujuneks kõigile saalisviibijatele positiivseks elamuseks, seepärast juhime tähelepanu, et täiskasvanutele mõeldud lavastused ei sobi reeglina vaatamiseks alla 7-aastastele lastele. Palume vaadata lavastuse lehelt konkreetse lavastuse soovituslikku vanusepiirangut.
• suures saalis toimuvatele etendustele soodustus 50% piletihinnast.

• soodusetendused 30% piletihinnast (vt * mängukavast). Eesti Vabariigis välja antud pensionitunnistus palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta.

• soodusetendused 30% piletihinnast (vt * mängukavast). Eesti Vabariigis välja antud Töövõime Kaart palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta.

Partnerkaardi omanikele kuni 2 pileti ostmisel. Soodustust võimaldav dokument palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta. Partner Card discount, up to 2 tickets. When attending the performance, we kindly ask you to take a valid document with you.
Club One kaardi omanikele kuni 2 pileti ostmisel. Soodustust võimaldav dokument palume etendusele tulles kaasa võtta. Club One Card discount, up to 2 tickets. When attending the performance, we kindly ask you to take a valid document with you.
Ratastoolis külastajale leiab Rahvusooper parima sobiva koha saalis. Palume ostuks pöörduda otse Rahvusooperi poole tel. 6831210
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Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Estonia pst 4 Tallinn Põhja-Eesti Estonia
Rahvusooper Estonia
Estonia pst. 4 Tallinn 10148 Harjumaa
Reg. no: 74000033
Event Kabaree. John Kanderi muusikal
Date / Time Fr 22/11/2024 19:00
Venue Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Price 17.10 - 32.60
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Buy ticket Kabaree. John Kanderi muusikal Kabaree. John Kanderi muusikal Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Buy ticket Kabaree. John Kanderi muusikal Kabaree. John Kanderi muusikal Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Buy ticket Kabaree. John Kanderi muusikal Kabaree. John Kanderi muusikal Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
Buy ticket Kabaree. John Kanderi muusikal Kabaree. John Kanderi muusikal Rahvusooper Estonia, Tallinn
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