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Bi-2 sümfooniaorkestriga

Sa 31/08/2024 20:00
Unibet Arena
49.60 - 79.60
Legendary rock band Bi-2 performing with symphonic orchestra in Tallinn
Bi-2 will give one of their most beautiful concerts yet on the 31st of August at Unibet Arena. The concert will comprise majestic versions of the band’s popular songs with the 65-member Latvian National Symphony Orchestra.
The famed rock band Bi-2 will be returning to Estonia with their popular orchestral concept, having performed here last with a symphonic orchestra six years ago. The powerful musical arrangement, which has won over audiences and critics, will be amplified by a mysterious atmosphere of luxurious set design and grand costumes. 
Bi-2 is a Belarusian rock band formed at the end of the 1980’s. The band spent most of the 1990’s in Israel and Australia, but moved to Moscow in 1999. The songs of Bi-2 triumphed at Moscow’s local radio stations, which made the band instantly famous.
Bi-2 started the project with symphonic orchestras in 2003 and transformed their songs in accordance with the grand concept. Bi-2 gave two highly successful orchestral shows for the first time in Estonia in 2008 and 2009. The two sold-out concerts at Tallinn’s Linnahall were praised by local critics. Bi-2 has collaborated with the best international symphonic orchestras, which has resulted in four studio albums.
Bi-2 has released eleven studio albums to date. They have collaborated with artists like Oxxxymiron, Braintsorm, John Grant in over thirty years of being active. Nowadays the band is touring the world and had over sixty shows in thirty countries in 2023. This year, at Unibet Arena Bi-2 will play hits from all of their albums, including the 2022 fall release “Hallelujah”.

Events website: https://www.facebook.com/musaklubi

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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
Bi-2 sümfooniaorkestriga Sa 31/08/2024 20:00 Unibet Arena 49.60 - 79.60
Event Bi-2 sümfooniaorkestriga
Date / Time Sa 31/08/2024 20:00
Venue Unibet Arena
Price 49.60 - 79.60
Price information
Kõikide Unibet Arenal toimuvate sündmuste hinnad sisaldavad teenustasu 1 €/ pilet.
(Teenustasust saadavat tulu kasutatakse külastajatele suunatud teenuste parandamiseks.)
19:00 uksed
20:00 ürituse algus
Vanusepiirang puudub
Pildistamine/ filmimine ei ole lubatud
Igal sisenejal peab olema kehtiv pilet
Ratastoolikohad asuvad sektorite 102 ja 103 taga asuval alal.
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Sissepääs ratastooliga: Unibet Arena B1 pääslast

Restoranipileti hind sisaldab pääsu üritusele, istekohta 4-kohalises lauas ja buffet-õhtusööki 40 € vääringus. Kõik lauad restoranis on 4-kohalised ja kõigile piletiostjatele on tagatud võrdselt hea nähtavus lavale. Restoranipiletiga sissepääs majja B1 tähistusega pääslast, kus toimub registreerimine lauda. Pileti maksumus ei sisalda jooke; neid on võimalik igal külastajal oma soovi kohaselt täiendavalt kohapeal juurde osta. Menüü koosneb eel-, pea- ja magusroogade valikust. Valikuga on võimalik tutvuda unibetarena.ee kodulehel, antud ürituse infos.
Unibet Arena
Paldiski mnt 104B Tallinn Põhja-Eesti Estonia
ELC Promotion OÜ
Roosikrantsi 2 Tallinn Harju
Reg. no: 11140744
Event Bi-2 sümfooniaorkestriga
Date / Time Sa 31/08/2024 20:00
Venue Unibet Arena
Price 49.60 - 79.60
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