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Kõik ägedad asjad

Tu 26/11/2024 19:00
Eesti Noorsooteater, Väike saal
21.10 - 24.60

A young person must suddenly cope with a situation where their mother can no longer see a way to go on with her life. Our protagonist starts writing down things that are worth living for, hoping it might help their mother feel better:

1.        Ice cream.
2.        Water fights.
3.        Being allowed to stay up past bedtime and watch TV.
4.        The colour yellow.
5.        Things with stripes.
6.        Merry-go-rounds.
7.        When people fall.

This begins a list of every brilliant thing, which keeps getting longer and more detailed throughout the protagonist’s life, until it gradually turns into something they can themself hold on to in difficult times. It is a story of growing up and accepting life’s twists and turns. And how even in the deepest of darkness there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Director Tanel Jonas:

Duncan Macmillan’s plays have always captivated me. With this text as well, I felt drawn to it from early on. It might even be the play that characterises his work the best: talking about life, this great and complex sequence of systems, this indescribable magnificent mess, through small and simple things. But without being simplistic or shallow. To find joy in the little things – this is a message we hear all around these days, from gurus to self-help books. But how easy is it? Or is it at all possible?



Getter MeresmaaDoris Tislar or Risto Vaidla


Author Duncan Macmillan
Translator Pirjo Jonas
Director Tanel Jonas (Ugala)
Designer Kristjan Suits (Tallinna Linnateater)


Premiere 20.11.2022 at Small Hall.

For youth (13+) and adults

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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
Kõik ägedad asjad Tu 26/11/2024 19:00 Eesti Noorsooteater, Väike saal 21.10 - 24.60
Event Kõik ägedad asjad
Date / Time Tu 26/11/2024 19:00
Venue Eesti Noorsooteater, Väike saal
Price 21.10 - 24.60
Price information
Enne ostu sooritamist palume kontrollida valitud etenduse kuupäeva ja kellaaja õigsust.
Ostetud pileteid ei vahetata ümber ega osteta tagasi.
Etendus on mõeldud noortele (vanuses 13+) ja täiskasvanutele
NB! Palume jälgida kehtestatud vanuse alampiiri ja alla 13-aastastel palume saali tulla ainult koos täiskasvanud saatjaga!
Sooduspilet kehtib::
Partnerkaart*, Tallinn Cardi* kaardi omanikule, Häirekeskuse töötajale
*Ühe kaardiga saab ühele etendusele osta kuni 2 sooduspiletit.

-15% sooduspilet kehtib::
pensionäridele, (üli)õpilastele
Gruppidele alates 10-st liikmest erisoodustused!
Lisainfo ja broneerimine kassa@eestinoorsooteater.ee
Meie hea partneri Reval-Sport Veekeskusesse pääseb Eesti Noorsooteatri või Nukuteatrimuuseumi pileti ettenäitamisel ühekordsel külastusel -10%.
Eesti Noorsooteater SA
Lai 1 Tallinn 10133 Harjumaa
Reg. no: 90011094
Event Kõik ägedad asjad
Date / Time Tu 26/11/2024 19:00
Venue Eesti Noorsooteater, Väike saal
Price 21.10 - 24.60
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